am I?Alfie Renn! I am UK-based, and currently living in Sheffield. I am an enthusiastic and experimental technophile, who loves to see what forces for good are possible using technology.
Alfie Renn! I am UK-based, and currently living in Sheffield. I am an enthusiastic and experimental technophile, who loves to see what forces for good are possible using technology.
I make websites, I make software, and I make good decisions. I know web fundamentals inside-out. As for tools, I use Eleventy, a robust and extendible static-site generator; I use Vue, a powerful front-end framework; and I use Python to supplement my work, with powerful scripting.
Usually around GitHub..! Or many more places across the web. But, your literal answer is... right here on this website!
Likely soon! Send me an email → alfie@alfierenn.dev, and we can take it from there.
I love the Internet! I think it is such a great opportunity that we have it. I think the ability to make stuff that is easily shared on the web should be accessible to anyone and everyone, and respect this view when I make things for the Internet by making them as simple and robust as possible.
That depends entirely on what you want and what you have already. Let's talk about it and share ideas together :)
A static content hosting website for a community made magazine, with user-friendly configuration and modern HTML standards of design and accessibility
Responsive and easy to edit website for the Durham University Physics Society
Static site with interactive comments and automated components, including filtering tags, reading time, and suggested posts
My CV on the web, with automatic deployment, version control, and responsive design
Fast Vue web application to control LED lights, with several pages, interactive, touch-first design, and designed with UX in mind
Web app to visualist when employees had holidays booked, showing a list view, calendar view, and an organisation chart. Quickly updatable and reconfigurable via configuration files
We were very impressed with Alfie's outstanding contribution to our business in a relatively short period. He demonstrated extremely high intelligence, organisation, good technical communication skills, work ethic, and a positive attitude.
Jim Mayock & Matthew O'Keefe, PhD, MBA, Viper RFThis is very neat thank you for this contribution.
Alexandre Lavigne, open-source pull requestAlfie was great at explaining web fundamentals in terms I understood. I can now edit content on the website he set up for me, thanks to his help and guidance. He even gave small tasks and suggestions for me to help me build up my own web development knowledge.
Sebastian, ArtistThanks @strib and. @alifeee - very good team work!!!!
Romano Silva, open-source pull request